Find Your Voice

Find Your Voice

For salespeople, finding your voice can often be a struggle. Sure, you might not suddenly be faced with an Oscar-winning actress... But you are faced with other challenges… products that need improvements… customers who aren’t being well-served … and sales teams that need your leadership. It’s those salespeople who can find their voice… to speak up for change… who find the most success. They’re able to look past paychecks and monthly quotas to find what really matters… doing what’s right for the customer. Speaking up… raising your voice… that’s where the real magic lies.

Find Your Voice
May 19, 2022

Nicole Kidman once sat down next to me while I was waiting at the airport.

We were in the Admiral’s Lounge in the crowded terminal when she asked to use the outlet located under my seat.

I looked up from my reading and my eyes almost bugged out of my head.  She was politely looking over at me… waiting for my reply.  

After a few speechless moments, I eventually found my voice to say yes.

For salespeople, finding your voice can often be a struggle.

Sure, you might not suddenly be faced with an Oscar-winning actress...

But you are faced with other challenges… products that need improvements… customers who aren’t being well-served … and sales teams that need your leadership.

It’s those salespeople who can find their voice… to speak up for change… who find the most success.  

They’re able to look past paychecks and monthly quotas to find what really matters… doing what’s right for the customer.

Speaking up… raising your voice… that’s where the real magic lies.

My story today isn’t about Nicole Kidman.  In fact, we’re going  far away from the glitz and glam of Hollywood.

We’re going to start at a cocktail party… and then travel farther back in time to meet a young girl who would go to school wearing a potato sack…

I’m Andrew Davis… and this is how it all began.

Find Your Voice